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Gathering God’s Treasures…How to create holiday memories that last a lifetime

She [Mary] treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19

Holiday tradtionTree cutting, putting up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, BIG family gatherings, holiday baking, presents, Christmas Eve service, reading the story of Jesus.

What are your favorite holiday memories? How do you create memories for your family?

She [Mary] treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19

When I read these words, I realize that I am not the expert at creating memories, God is. When we model God’s examples of creating memories, they are promised to be meaningful ones.

Think about the ways that God creates memories with us.

1. Everyday routine. Many times, our favorite memories are not planned. They are simply things that happen in daily routine stuff.

  • Dinnertime together with prayers of thanksgiving and conversation about your day.
  • Pillow talk. Snuggling on the couch or in bed for a devotional.
  • Walks, hikes or other outdoor activities that remind you of the majesty and power of creation and our Creator.
  • Cooking together. Favorite recipes, holiday traditions, or a birthday cake for      Jesus.

2. Time – the most valuable thing a man can spend. – Theophrastus. How does God make memories with us? – Through time spent with Him.

Think of a time that you dedicated to the Lord. What emotions did you feel in His presence? What did He speak to you while you were in His presence?

Now, ask yourself: How would your undivided attention create memories for your family this holiday season?

3. Worship.

  • Reading Scripture. Reading the account of the birth of Jesus.
  • Christmas Eve service. My favorite service of the year. It is majestic, beautiful and a great opportunity to invite friends and family.
  • Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Plan to go caroling with neighbors or friends from church and bring a joyful noise to your entire neighborhood!
  • Celebrate Advent. The word, “advent” means, “waiting”. Celebrating Advent involves spending time in prayer, fasting, repentance, and celebration as we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas. In Western Christianity, the season of Advent begins on the fourth Sunday prior to Christmas Day, or the Sunday which falls closest to November 30, and lasts through Christmas Eve, or December 24.

4.  Serving together. – Working for a cause.

  • Volunteer one night at a soup kitchen. Clean out our closets and donate coats and gloves to the homeless. Purchase a gift for a giving tree.
  • Go deeper. Plan to read the book 7 by Jen Hatmaker or Crazy Love by Francis Chan in January and decide what your family will do to change the world on a continual basis instead of a seasonal basis.

God teaches us how to make memories so when the New Year comes we can look back and “treasure up all these things, pondering them in our hearts forever”.

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you my friend!


To hear more about making memories, watch the IMPERFECT WIVES LIVE series – Putting Happy Back into the Holidays, Thursday mornings at 8am PST/11am EST or anytime on our YOUTUBE Channel.

1 Response
  • Colleen
    November 25, 2013

    Just beautiful, Angela! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you!

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