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Designing your Avatar – Knowing who you serve?

Women 3

Last week I watched and listened while Michael Hyatt interviewed twenty-two top presenters at the first Influence and Impact Summit. Speakers such as, John Maxwell, Lysa Terkeurst, Donald Miller, Dave Ramsey, and Jen Hatmaker spoke about their strategies for leading and building a platform while sharing vulnerably about their fears, failures, and victories in life and in work.

One of the things I have learned about people is, not everyone sees themselves as a leader and not everyone wants to build a platform. BUT most people would say they want to have an influence and an impact in their family, their workplace, community and ultimately the world. Human beings were created to make a difference. If this is you, the videos from this conference would be encouraging and beneficial.

One of the main threads I heard running through each interview was: Listen to the question people are asking and answer it. But let’s back up a step.

Do you know who your people are?

During the Influence and Impact Summit, several of the speakers suggested creating an Avatar to identify the people you serve.

Avatar 5An Avatar is an icon or figure representing a particular person (like the one in the picture to your left).

When challenge with this task, I had to admit that my avatar is female. Unapologetically, I am called to serve, empower and equip women (of all ages, backgrounds, & cultures) to know who they are and what they are created to do in this world. Yes, I am the mother of two sons, married to a man and even have all male animals. I believe in inclusion and not exclusion, but my passion is raising up and mobilizing women to make a difference in this world.

Throughout my ministry, I have been encouraged by wise mentors to serve, teach, coach and write for both genders. And in my position, I have been honored to have this opportunity. In fact, my newest book, Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change is for both men and women who want to impact their world. However, what I have come to realize is, when I do what I was created to do by serving women, I am serving both genders. I serve them by teaching women that everyone has a role in the body of Christ. I serve them by encouraging unity and respect. I serve each by breaking down stereotypes and opening up communication. I serve both by teaching and showing the love and acceptance of Jesus.

Women who have stronger identities, Christ-like character, and influence and impact skills, make better marriage partners, build stronger family units, contribute and create in the workplace, serve in the church and community and leave a legacy that others want to follow.

My people are women. All ages, all backgrounds, and from all cultures.

Who do you serve? I would love to see the Avatar you design.


3 Responses
  • Sherrie St. Hilaire
    October 19, 2015

    Great input, Angela! I’m still working my way through the videos and I’ve been pondering this: What is it you want to say, Sherrie? What is your message??? I have a feeling I’m just skirting around the real thing because it requires less bravery and vulnerability I hope I’m not alone when I say that some days I’m set, good to go, know where the mark is. Other days, and today may or may not be one of them, I wonder what in the heck I think I’m trying to accomplish. I’ve said it before, let me say it again: THANK YOU! <3

  • Angela Howard
    October 19, 2015

    I love that you are revealing the process–the behind the scenes of how to discover who we are primarily serving. It’s true that others are touched along the way but zeroing in on who we feel called to or drawn to is vitally important. It really helps us direct our aim. Thank you for letting us look behind the curtain and to acknowledge that we don’t have to all the answers as we set out to serve, we just need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and He will illuminate our paths.

    • Angela L Craig
      October 20, 2015

      Thank you Angela for your thoughtful message. I appreciate you reading and contributing to our community!

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