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How I got the Golden Rule wrong…


Luke 6:31-34 The Message (MSG)

“Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them! (Luke 6:31)

But is it simple?

For so many years I got the Golden Rule wrong. Okay, I admit it. I still get it wrong sometimes.

Let me give you an example:

My husband, Mark and I love to host people in our home. We are big fans of celebrating others. That normally includes food.

During these meals, I would ask myself, “What would I want people to do for me?” That is easy. I love a pretty table, I love to make our home a place of peace and joy (that means: I like to clean & decorate). And last (but not least important), I would want someone to leave me the center piece of the bread.

Come to find out, the very things I want people to do for me were not necessarily appreciated by those I was trying to love.

Fancy tables leave little elbow room.

People would rather have a mess than a hostess who is unavailable to talk because she is cleaning up after everyone.

And the center of the loaf of bread? It turns out not every person likes the center. Those that enjoyed the end of the load thought I was being completely selfish for taking BOTH ends!

We hear people say, “My intentions were good. Isn’t that what really matters?”

Actually, no.

As you can see from the story above – my best intentions kept the people I loved from the very things they wanted.

As we celebrate the last two weeks before Christmas, may we remember how we would like to be treated. We would want others to really listen for what matters to us and act upon our wishes. When we live the Golden Rule as it was intended, the world the face of the new born King.


2 Responses
  • Karen Woodall
    December 14, 2016

    We are such self-centered creatures sometimes… even when we are trying not to be. My husband and I have different love languages so we have to really work at it to speak the other’s language. It takes practice and paying attention to really learn what others want and then to follow through and actually give it to them… not expecting anything in return. .

    • Angela L Craig
      December 28, 2016

      Hi Karen, I am so glad you stopped by. My husband and I are the same. Learning our love languages was such a powerful tool to understanding each other. What a gift. Happy New Year to you!

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