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10 Reasons Your Church Should Be Ministering Online


Two billion people around the world are connecting on Facebook every day.

Let that sink in for a moment. Can you imagine what the apostle Paul would have thought of this opportunity? Using social media, you can share the gospel to the ends of the earth with a few keystrokes.

Many people post on social media because they want to know their lives matter. We, the Church, can answer the questions of identity and purpose that led them there.

If you want to have a bigger impact in your community and beyond, and see more people walk in the freedom of relationship with Christ, I encourage you to create an online presence. Here are 10 reasons to take the message of Jesus to the digital world.

1. With an online presence, your attendance numbers can increase daily. Digital ministry is an on-ramp to faith and the Christian community. Think of it as a front porch that provides a safe place for people to approach and explore faith.

2. You can disciple seven days a week. The internet never closes. An online presence gives you the opportunity to disciple people 24/7. Digital ministry is more than a place to advertise your church. It is a place where you can fulfill all six functions of the Church: worship, prayer, discipleship, spiritual disciplines, community and service.

3. People can experience transformation in daily community. Digital ministry allows people a safe place for reflection and discussion on issues and questions that matter to them.

4. Digital ministry can bring God’s Word and community to those who cannot physically attend a traditional church. You can serve the disabled, the widow, the single parent, the hospital patient, the imprisoned and even the refugee from Sudan.

5. An online presence has generational impact. Youth and young adults raised in a digital age relate to connecting online. According to Pew Research Center, 88 percent of people ages 18 to 28 spend time on social media sites each day, with Facebook and Instagram attracting the most visitors.

6. Your online presence gives your community a chance to see you model Jesus in everyday life. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus says, “Walk with me and work with me — watch how I do it” (The Message). Digital ministry gives us another opportunity to model Christian living and invite others to participate.

7. Your church will become a beacon of light in the darkness that exists online. Digital ministry will influence the world by countering negative social media with the truth, love and hope of Jesus.

8. Your church will reflect God’s heart for the body of Christ. Revelation 7:9–10 reveals that people from every tribe, nation and language will worship together before God’s throne. An online presence allows you to influence people from around the world for eternity.

9. The content you create has no expiration date. The sermon you spend hours writing for your congregation of 150 will be multiplied by the thousands on social media channels.

10. You can literally fulfill the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), with a small budget and a few clicks.

*This article was seen first online at Influence Magazine.

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