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The Art of Being a Woman: Smoothing out the wrinkles of my heart {Week Four}

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Minutes after I posted the blog, The Art of Being a Woman: That Outfit Makes me Look Fat, I received an email from our family photographer. The subject line read: I hope I don’t get in trouble. In the email our photographer began his note with: “Not that any touch ups are necessary…” BUT…  “I tried to smooth out some signs of age.

The Art of Being a Woman…redefining beauty & purpose {Week One}

A fire and a passion burns deep in her soul. She knows there is something more. She sets out to re-define the modern woman by evoking authenticity, creativity, originality, and service. She is interesting and interested. Her inner beauty can spark even that of a stranger’s curiosity. She does not fear vulnerability –

The Cure for my Disillusion

John Maxwell Quote

When God called me to ministry leadership, I knew I had truly found purpose in life. The opportunity to have a vocation where people gather together for life transformation that becomes world changing. For me, it is better than Disneyland.

Ministry was never a place I thought I would encounter discrimination.

I am sorry I interrupted you but I had something important to say…lessons I have learned about silence.

Kind and true

“I was just trying to be encouraging.” I told my husband (with a pout) after he pulled me aside during a dinner party to tell me I had interrupted a friend before they barely had a chance to tell their story. Somehow, my husband and I didn’t see eye-to-eye on my conversation style.