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Called…6 steps to overcoming a life of resignation


Face your shadow side.

What have you been avoiding that is holding you back from walking in your true potential? Fear of failure, pride, jealousy, bitterness? In order to move forward, we must break free of low self-esteem and past regrets.


Discover your vocation.

Vocation or calling answers the question: “Where am I going” and identity answers the question: “Who am I”. Your vocation or calling will flow from your identity! Need help learning what your purpose is? There are numerous great resources available: or personal coaching are both great examples of ways to identify your purpose and calling in life.


 Examine personal values.

Values drive behavior. Make a list of values. Where are your values in conflict with your actions or the direction you are being called to take?


Develop character.

Character is who you are when you are stressed, tired, hungry, unappreciated or pushed to the outer limits of patience. How can you align your desired virtues with your response to others when under pressure?


Look outside your circle of influence.

Jodi Detrick  teaches a valuable lesson in her latest #1 selling leadership book: Don’t wait at the doors of the elevator for your opportunity to arrive. You may need to take the stairs [author’s paraphrase]. You have a gift to share with the world! Where will you share it? Who will be your advocate or mentor?


Be courageous.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.”  Maya Angelou Go for it! I am cheering you on!



Johnson, C. (2007). Personal ethical development. In C. Johnson, Ethics in the workplace: Tools and tactics for organizational transformation (pp. 29-58). Thousand Oaks, CA: George Fox University.

Detrick, J. (2013). The Jesus hearted women: 10 leadership steps to enduring and endearing influence. Springfield, MO. Influence Resources.

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