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What my Dad taught me about remodeling

Sometimes life is not what you expected it to be.

A job loss. A broken heart. A disability. Cancer.

Unexpected storms in our lives can leave us standing in the door way of life wondering if our house will fall down around us; wondering if all we will be left with nothing but a pile of rubble.

All my life, I watched my Dad overcome the storms of life. He chose to see the opportunity instead of the ruin.

My Dad taught me that regardless of the storms that come into your life, even when you feel like the walls are caving in around you, you can simply choose to remodel.

But first, you must reframe your thinking that your future is filled with sunsets and not clouds.

Second, my Dad taught me that you must have a vision bigger than that storm; one of courage, determination and perseverance.

Third, check your tool box. This means, use the gifts that God has already given you. Stop trying to be someone you are not. Embrace who you are and get to work.

Fourth, utilize all your resources. My Dad believed that, another person’s junk could hold a world of possibilities and potential. Tangible resources are important but there is another resource that my Dad would say is the key to a remodel. PEOPLE.  Ask yourself who you know that could help you remodel. Bringing community together in a storm becomes a gift to all that are involved, but people need to be invited to share their ideas, talents, and other treasures.

Lastly, when you remodel, make sure your world becomes a little larger so you can invite more people to the party!

So when you find yourself in the middle of a storm, I hope you will think of my Dad and simply choose to remodel. I know I will.

1 Response
  • rosemarie1
    September 2, 2012

    Beautifully said. My condolances and many loving prayers as you miss you dad.

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