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How did you get here? The Impostor Syndrome…

imageOn a flight from Seattle to New York, my husband and I were sitting in first class. Occasionally I would look up from my reading to watch people navigate the isle to board the plane, adding the occasionally polite good morning or smile as people walked by. One passenger in particular caught my eye and I smiled a hello greeting. She smiled back and said (loud enough for the entire first class cabin to hear), “How did you get up here?” The stranger’s comment and my befuddled silence now had my husband’s attention. He simple looked her in the eyes and said: “She paid for it.”

I have often pondered that short and awkward moment. How did she know I felt like an impostor? Was it written all over my face that I am a really a coach girl? (And I am not talking about the seats on an airplane, not the brand of purse here.) Did we live in the same trailer park I grew up in as a child? Or, was she telepathic and knew I had the urge to ask the flight attendant to trade me seats and allow me to serve her for a while?

This “Impostor Syndrome” I describe is real for many women. It was first labeled in an academic study back in 1970’s when women were just beginning to break the glass ceiling of male dominated leadership. Reaching the corner office meant wrestling with insecurities every leader had – do I belong, is there someone better for this job, what happens when they find out I am a fraud?

In our society women are raised to serve. Men are raised to succeed. Women lean towards nurture, encouragement, empowerment, teaching, healing, community, and development. Men lean towards providing, movement towards future goals, significance, conquest, acquisition, power, and influence. These ideas are generality and stated only to make this point – Whether nature or nurture, or whatever combination, all of these qualities are needed in leadership roles and on teams. If the gifts you bring to the executive table are not seen as valuable leadership gifts, you will feel misfit in your role.

All leaders, male and female will feel like impostors at one time or another in their leadership role. The important thing to remember is that each individual was created with a unique set of gifts, strengths, and talents that are meant to be embraced and utilized. When we, as women and men walk confidently in our purpose, accepting others for theirs, wholeness and unity will lead to the fulfillment of our goals and a better world.

Things to ponder:

How do you feel about sitting in first class or having a corner office?

When have you felt like an impostor in your leadership role?

What was the cause of your feeling of inadequacies? Fear of failure? Fear of others opinions? Gender or role designation? Trying to be who others think you should be?

1 Response
  • Cherie L. Zack
    January 20, 2014

    Oh my goodness!!! This hit right in the middle of my heart!!! This very thing is exactly what I have been dealing with! I just didn’t know how to put it into words. God has even tried to help me along the way. He said through my brother, “if you are asking forgivness daily, walking upright with me, and not causing others to fall, you are in the right place.” I sherked it off, believing that word was for someone else, not me! “I am the imposter.. God meant to talk to the read deal!!” I sense this is the finaly piece to the puzzle that God has been helping me put together over the last few months!! Thank you, Angela for putting into words the very statement I needed to hear!! <3

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