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Tuesday Talk…29 things I have denied

Tuesday Talk is about YOU…
Every Tuesday we engage in one big question, topic or idea. You are invited to write in with a suggestion you want to share. I surely do not have all the answers but know that together we can generate some great conversation and have fun in the process. (Feel free to post your topics, questions, and your great thoughts in the comments below!) Together, we will stay informed and equipped about topics that matter!

Denial: The refusal to satisfy a request or desire.

Earlier this week I received a message from a FaceBook User asking if I was close to a person who was on my friends list. The FaceBook User went on to tell me a story of how she sold this person something on Craigslist and on good faith (because she professed Jesus as Savior and thought she could be trusted) set up a payment plan never to hear from the purchaser again. The comment that struck me the hardest was this:

“It wasn’t just the fact she stole from me but how she went about it. I didn’t think it was right to keep quiet like she probably hoped i would. How many other people has she done this too? How many other people just gave up and let her get away with it? The reason I brought Jesus into this is because all these times she is ignoring me she is posting her love for him. Can you get more hypocritical than that???”

By writing this, I am not claiming to know both sides of the story but my heart breaks just the same. Not just for the person who wrote this note to me, but for the person who has failed (for unknown reasons) to communicate with her over the transition, leaving a negative image of Jesus in the path. And I can’t stop there. I am heartbroken at all the times, I have personally denied responsibility for not acting like Jesus and blocked someone as special as the person who wrote this from knowing Him.

Titus 1:16a says, “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.”

I started a list last night of the things I have been guilty of denying.Denial

  1. My sin
  2. My past
  3. My needs
  4. My mistakes
  5. My need for love
  6. My need to be seen
  7. My need to be heard
  8. My need to be a part of something bigger than myself
  9. Community
  10. Healing
  11. Trusting others and God
  12. Accountability
  13. Repentance
  14. Imagination
  15. Creativity
  16. Spontaneity
  17. Laughter
  18. Joy
  19. Justice
  20. Truth
  21. My future
  22. My health
  23. God’s gifts
  24. My need for security
  25. My need for dignity
  26. My need to be valued
  27. My need for forgiveness
  28. Responsibility
  29. Jesus
  30. ___________________________
  31. ___________________________

What about you? What have you denied in your life? Go ahead, get your highlighter out if you have to. Feel free to add to the list and share this with others.

What does our denial lead too?

  1. Blaming
  2. Bitterness
  3. Unforgiveness
  4. Broken relationships
  5. Victim mentality
  6. Disunity
  7. Excuses
  8. Living in our circumstances instead of our opportunities
  9. Addition
  10. Passive-aggressive behavior
  11. Anger
  12. Depression
  13. Low self-esteem
  14. Unproductive living
  15. Procrastination
  16. Stagnation
  17. Fear
  18. Complaining
  19. Gossip
  20. Oppression
  21. Poverty
  22. Vanity
  23. Pride
  24. Sedation
  25. Disease
  26. Delay
  27. Justification of action or non-action
  28. Ungratefulness
  29. Dissatisfaction
  30. Resentment
  31. Lack of purpose and meaning
  32. _____________________________
  33. _____________________________

Tuesday Talk 4Again, what about you? How has denial affected your life? Go ahead, get your highlighter out if you have to. Feel free to add to the list and share this with others.

Why do we deny?

The famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung said, “Wholeness for humans depends on the ability to own their own shadow.” Examining the dark side of our humanity can raise a lot of insecurities. We deny the truth to protect ourselves. Our minds deny to guard us from guilt, fear, failure, the pain of loss, grief, condemnation, loneliness and separation.

In the book, Turn Coat author Jim Butcher wrote:

The human mind isn’t a terribly logical or consistent place. Most people, given the choice to face a hideous or terrifying truth or to conveniently avoid it, choose the convenience and peace of normality. That doesn’t make them strong or weak, or good or bad people. It just makes them people.”

The Conclusion:

We are simply imperfect and marred humans that need a grace filled, perfect Jesus. Our job is surrender, His job is wholeness.

2 Responses
  • Wayne Sommers
    May 6, 2014

    Excellent food for thought! It is so easy to walk in denial and so freeing to walk in the truth and face our struggles. Acting on the truth is what really sets us free (John 8:31-32) The Message Bible says it well “Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. ‘If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.'”

  • Angela
    May 6, 2014

    Great post Angela! I have used denial when I know I need to have a crucial conversation and I hope the issue will just go away and when I know I need to take spiritual authority over a situation and REALLY pray and instead I take the easy road….just being honest.

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