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Talk Tuesday…A Series on Prayer (The Lord’s Prayer – Week 7)

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Every Tuesday we engage in one big question, topic or idea. You are invited to write in with a suggestion you want to share. I surely do not have all the answers but know that together we can generate some great conversation and have fun in the process. (Feel free to post your topics, questions, and your great thoughts in the comments below!) Together, we will stay informed and equipped about topics that matter!

Today’s Blog Contributor: 

Gaylene Schave

GayleneGaylene is 54 years old and has been married for 34 years. She has raised 2 daughters and has 3 grandkids and 1 great grandson! She has been a Christian for 30 years and has worked in many ministries over the years including:  janitor, Youth Leader, Missionettes, and Women’s Ministries.  Gaylene currently serves on the Northwest Women’s Leadership team and leads the Prayer team.

Today, Gaylene continues our blog series on prayer with, The Lord’s Prayer. Enjoy!


The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

There have many bible scholars who have defined each line of the Lord’s Prayer. I want to give my personal thoughts regarding the Lord’s Prayer. I did some research to see if my thoughts were Biblical! To my gladness I was pretty much right on! At least I wasn’t too far off from the truth! For that I am thankful.

The Introduction

Gaylene blog

“Our Father, who art in heaven”

My Father, Our Father in whom we share. He is the Father of the World. He is waiting for us in Heaven! He is who He is. God the Father!

First Petition

“Hallowed be thy name”

We give him the reference to the Holy God that he is. He is omnipotent, heavenly, gracious Father. Praise His Holy name! He is more wonderful and magnificent than we can imagine! He deserves all of our adoration.

Second Petition

“Thy Kingdom come”

His Kingdom refers to his authority or to his rule as the Heavenly King! May his Kingdom reign right here in our hearts here on earth!

Third Petition

“Thy will be done”

May we always strive to stay in God’s chosen will for our lives! His ways are higher than our ways. His ways are deeper than our ways. He directs our paths in this life. May his will be done in all of us.

Fourth Petition

“Give us this day our daily bread”

Give us O Lord what we have need of this day. May it be food for our body, our soul and/or a miracle of healing. O taste the Lord and see that He is good!

Fifth Petition

“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”

We need to forgive as Jesus forgave. How precious it is to be forgiven and humble ourselves before those we may have offense against. There is no better thing than forgive those who have hurt us or those we have wounded.

Sixth Petition

“And lead us not into temptation”

Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Keep your eyes fixed upon our King. Do not be led astray! (by ourselves, by others, or by Satan). Be full of the Holy Spirit and let him guide your steps!

Seventh Petition

“But deliver us from evil”

Always keep your eyes on the Lord! Once our eyes are on selfish desires and we are not servants of the Lord, we are close to the evil one. Keep us from evil Lord, but if we happen to fall into Satan’s trap, deliver us quickly!


“For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen”

We are yours and you are ours Lord! May your power and glory reign forever and ever.

As we enter in the Christmas holiday season, I am reminded just how glorious our God is. Our King was born to a virgin , in a lowly stable. Imagine if you were there to witness the night he was born. The awe of being there and witnessing that miracle!

Keep Jesus the center of your holiday season and see what He can do through you!

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