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Does Anyone Else Gain Weight by Pinning Sweet Treats on Pinterest?

Over the holidays a mysteriously thing happened. I gained 10 pounds but didn’t bake or eat any of the sweet treats I dreamed about while pinning them to my Christmas dessert board on Pinterest. Is it possible to gain weight by merely looking at food?

At closer examination, my extra holiday weight probably occurred from the once a day trip to Starbucks for an egg nog latte and the extra Holiday luncheons and dinner parties that are not routine between the months of January and October. It just seems so subtle…and fun!

Now we are back to January and I am reminded that my body is a gift I need to care for. It is the home where the Holy Spirit has taken up residence. I am blessed to have good health and challenged to keep it that way.

For me eating healthy is “eating clean”. These words always scare my family because they know that means, no dairy, no bread, no pasta, no coffee, and no sugar. To them, that equals NO TASTE! But this year, I vowed to do something different. I vowed to learn to cook clean eating menus that would WOW my family.

I am happy to say that many recipes DO use yogurt and goat cheese. I am not sure why goats are considered clean. Do they shower? And cutting out coffee? Sorry, just not happening. In my mind, coffee fits into clean eating because coffee beans grow on a bush and if you break it down to its roots…coffee is really a fruit (kinda). But I did cut out the milk and the vanilla creamer…sigh.

The first dinner I cooked got rave reviews. My husband said it could be served in a restaurant! (See picture below.) Something I noticed about clean eating is that the presentation is beautiful, colorful, and full of life. Not like my favorite foods of cheese and bread that all blend together on a plate.


If you are interested in trying clean eating, here is a website that gives you a two week menu plan with recipes, pictures and a shopping list.

Here is to clean eating and good health in the New Year! I am cheering for you!

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