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Talk Tuesday…A series on balance (Blog 1: Hide and Seek)

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Every Tuesday we engage in one big question, topic or idea. You are invited to write in with a suggestion you want to share. I surely do not have all the answers but know that together we can generate some great conversation and have fun in the process. (Feel free to post your topics, questions, and your great thoughts in the comments below!) Together, we will stay informed and equipped about topics that matter!

In a 2014 survey, when women of the Northwest were asked what topic needed to be addressed most in 2015, they said: Balance.

Women are competent, creative, purposeful, intentional, compassionate, change-makers, resourceful, giving and so much more. They don’t fit in one box and they wear many hats. The idea of balance in life can seem illusive (I recommend a short blog series titled: The Illusion of Balance that goes more in-depth on this idea). For me, balance always boils down to two things:

Motive and Relationship

Think back to the beginning of our existence – Adam and Eve in the garden. When Adam and Eve ate the apple and God came looking for them, Adam and Eve, ran and hid. When God asked them why they were hiding, they said they were naked and ashamed.

Like Adam and Eve we hide behind a life of activity, volunteerism, titles, motherhood, work…to cover our nakedness of shame, our desire for acceptance, power, fame, knowledge, or our feelings of abandonment and fear of the unknown.

We hide but God seeks.


God seeks to be in relationship with us. To show us an unconditional love and acceptance an imperfect world cannot. To free us from the bondage of our nakedness. God seeks to give us a purpose and a destiny guided by His Holy Spirit –guided by our minute-by-minute communication with our Father.

It is only in intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father that we can have the correct motivation and direction for our to-do lists and our futures. When we live outside of Him, we are stuck in the same patterns as Adam and Eve – running and hiding.

Where ever you are today? I pray that together, we can find new perspective on the meaning of balance in our lives in the upcoming year.

Let’s talk about it:

  1. Can you name one healthy relationship in your life? What are the attributes of that relationship?
  2. Do you find yourself hiding in activity? What kind of activity? What are you trying to cover?
  3. Have you experienced the Lord seeking you? His pursuit of you? Can you describe the experience for others?

Happy New Year to you and your family! ~ Angela Craig

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