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Join My Book Launch Team and Get Pivot Leadership FREE (Bonus Surprises Included!)

Pivot Leadership book cover Nov 7

Hello friends, bloggers, and social media extraordinaires!

I need your help! I want to extend a special invitation to you. Would you be on my launch team for my new book, Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change? You need no special skills to apply. A passion for reading, living a life of meaning and purpose, and social networking is a plus. Everything you need to know about being a Launch Team Member, I will share in this email and future updates sent directly to our launch team.

But, before you read further, I want to tell you upfront if you join my book launch team (and are accepted) you will receive a FREE downloadable version of Pivot Leadership before it ever hits the stores as my personal THANK YOU! I also have some fun bonus surprises awaiting you! Does it sound interesting so far? Keep reading!

About Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change:

An invitation for every leader who wants to leave their footprints in their organizations, their families and ultimately the world!

You were made for greatness! But balancing the demands of leading in the ever changing fast-paced global marketplace can deplete the most seasoned leader of vision and the will to move forward.

Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change challenges us as leaders to recall the vision and passion we have for our work while empowering us to pivot our thinking. Angela Craig is on a quest to make you an effective powerful leader that will be unstoppable.

A field guide of relevant research, Pivot Leadership is written for leaders, coaches, and educators who are ready to propel their leadership. Each chapter includes:

  • practical application
  • daily challenges
  • chapter activities for both personal and professional reflection and
  • adventure

Get ready for change that will drive personal and organizational success! Leaders who seek to take their organization, team, client, or student to the next level will find Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change the perfect inspiration that will catapult them to extraordinary results.

Pivot Leadership Launch Goals:

RELEASE DATE: As of this email Pivot leadership is on target for a release date of Tuesday, JUNE 02nd (Koehler Studios). The countdown is on!

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LIST: Our goal is to hit the first opportunity on the NY Times Bestseller list which is Sunday, JUNE 21st!

How YOU Can Be A Part Of Making History:

How are we making history? I am told it is uncommon (but not impossible) for emerging writers to make the NY Best Seller list. I have a different opinion. I believe when a community of people band together for a purpose, any goal can be achieved. That is why I need YOU to help me bring Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change to the world. I believe, with your help, Pivot Leadership will change people’s lives!

Let’s make uncommon, common and share it with the world!!

Steps To Achieving Our Pivot Leadership Goals:


As I said before, as a Launch Team Member, you will receive a FREE PDF version of Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change as a THANK YOU gift from me! Falling in love with the book is the first thing you can do! As I say, pivot your thinking and change your life. Greatness awaits you!


Use your skill as a social media extraordinaire to share the message of Pivot Leadership. For the first few weeks our goal as a team is to create a BUZZ. Get your friends and colleagues excited to read Pivot Leadership as an individual or team. During the race to the finish line we will be more intentional with links, quotes, and hashtags, sharing with people where to buy the book. ALL this information and many examples will be sent to team members once they have signed up.


Amazon and Barnes & Noble will give our launch team the opportunity to REVIEW Pivot Leadership. If you want to go ahead and be thinking about your review, even drafting it in advance, while you review your FREE copy of Pivot Leadership, that would be great. Then I’ll send out a reminder to post that review on release day.


If you are a blogger (or have friends that blog), one of the ways you can help spread the word is by writing a short review on your blog on the day or week the book is released. I will provide you with links and pictures if you choose to do this. 

What Others Are Already Saying:

Your distinctive edge is that you offer something more valuable than an ‘airport leadership book’, especially given that your book is both evidence based, practical, adventure oriented, and with tremendous applied exercises.  Dr. Adrian Popa, Ph. D. – Gonzaga University Department of Organizational Leadership


I’ve read a draft and it is AMAZING! Love the concise thoughts and line of thinking! I will use it as a leadership resource with my leaders! Gail Johnsen – Leadership Coach/Pastor of Spiritual Formation

Just completed your book for the first read through! Amazing!!!

It is so easy to read and understand all terms used. Quite often reading a book focused on leadership the content becomes blurry and leaves questions unanswered, often times turning the leader towards the thinking of the author instead of focusing on improving the client and self-improvement. 

This book is a guide book that should be read and then kept at desk side for easy and quick reference. It is an easy clear read and makes one look inside to, their own thoughts and style. The activities at the end of each chapter definitely bring the reader to a point of self-examination and improvement or assurance. 

Love – love – love – it! Bev Jorgensen – Life Coach

Angela Craig’s Pivot Leadership is a perfect blend of research, insight, and inspiration. This book is a great tool for anyone wanting to build a more unified and successful team. In her book, Angela states, ‘How you define success will determine the answer to why you lead others.’ Pivot Leadership provides an important opportunity for you to examine what you value and to identify some crucial changes that must be made in order for both your leadership and those you lead to rise to greater heights. Rebekah Metteer – Pastor’s Wife, Author, Speaker, and Founder of Loving the Leap Ministries 

An Invitation With A Heart of Gratitude:

I would like to thank all of you who have already went through the review process of Pivot Leadership. To all of you who will now committee to joining the Launch Team, my heart is filled with gratitude for the time you will take in the upcoming month of May and first days of June to share about the book, post reviews on your blogs, and sharing your PIVOT LEADERSHIP stories. In addition to your FREE PDF version of Pivot Leadership, I will extend a special invitation to you to an private Facebook group I have set up specifically for our Launch Team. This page is only accessible to Launch Team members where you will have personal access to me, and opportunity to interact with other Launch Members along with a BEHIND THE SCENES look at what happens with a book launch. This Facebook page will provide a place where you will be the FIRST to vote on cover selection, see my new platform, find valuable update on Pivot Leadership and build meaningful relationships with likeminded individuals! I look forward to our time together and could not do this without you! I can’t wait to celebrate with you when Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change hits the New York Times Bestseller List!!!!

Ready to SIGN-UP to be part of the Pivot Leadership Launch Team?

Simple email Angela with the subject line: SIGN ME UP!

In life and leadership,

Angela Craig

Because of my personal investment in this project, we need to keep the group to a manageable size. Therefore, we won’t be able to accept everyone who applies. If you are truly interested, make sure to apply before the deadline of Friday, May 1st at 5pm PST.

We’ll be emailing individuals to let you know if you made the team. If you don’t hear from us by May 4th, It simply means we ran out of room. Don’t worry; I am already scratching out ideas for another book! There will be other opportunities to get involved in an upcoming launch.

1 Response
  • Karla Ristow
    May 6, 2015

    I am currently enrolled in Michael Hyatts Platform University so this is very timely. I just received this email but see that the deadline was May 1st. When I try to sign up it says I am already a member. Am I from being on the old mailing list? Thanks, Karla

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