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Lost your niche? You just might find it on my new website!


Have you heard? I am publishing a new book in June 2015 – Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change. What better time, than now to create a new website and social networking platform for you, my friends and leadership community.

The excitement of this idea was quickly deflated as I found myself intimidated by the ocean of books, podcasts, webinars, and conferences one can read, listen too or attend to become a master of platform building.

One of the first things platform experts tell you to do when building your new platform is: “find your niche”. They advise potential bloggers and entrepreneurs to choose one area of expertise readers or followers can engage in. Pick content and resource that GRABS the reader’s attention, adds value – something worth the reader’s time.

This advice seemed relevant and right. But as I gained more information about building excellent platforms, I found myself lost in the sea of niches, stuck on the question: What is my niche? I thought I knew, until I read books and took classes that seem to be telling me, I didn’t know.

I am a learner.

I am creative.

I love Jesus.

I am moved to action by any injustice.

I get bored easily.

I am curious.

Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” I relate to his statement.

A “niche” seems to be something I have struggled with, or maybe against, all my life. (Can you relate?)

I admire people who have a niche.

Jeff Goins is a writer.

Kris Carr is a wellness expert.

Cherie Zack is passionate about teaching women to fight for their marriages.

Jeremy Cowart is a photographer.

Donald Miller is a storyteller.

There have been many times in my life when I have wished I had a niche. Jealous of those people who seemed to have incredible singular focus, I even had visions of what it would be like to do the same thing every day, to focus on ONE life theme, one profession – maybe a doctor, or lawyer for social justice issues. It seemed so much simpler.

But then somewhere in the process, something happened, and I decided to quit apologizing for who God created me to be.

That person who is a learner, who is creative, who loves Jesus, who is moved to action by injustice, who gets bored easy, and is passionately curious, does have a niche after all.

That niche is YOU!

My passion is to help YOU develop purpose and meaning in life and leadership.

You are a unique, interesting, multi-facetted, diverse, and talented human being who was created to live a life of greatness.

My new website and book, Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change are just the beginning of resources I want to provide for you to read, watch, share, and get excited about as you walk into the life you have always dreamed of.

Are you ready? Simple visit and sign-up to never miss a post in the block below this blog post. You will be the first to receive chapter one of Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change, as my free gift to you, on the book release date in June!

Together we will find the answers to the questions that hold you back, explore the possibilities, and celebrate the triumph of dreams coming true!

In life and leadership,

Angela Craig

PS: If you are a HER VOICE Subscriber, this blog will be tailored specifically for your leadership needs. It is never my intention to fill up your inbox so please don’t hesitate to unsubscribe at anytime.

PSS: I would love to hear your thoughts on, Lost your niche? You might just find it on my new website! Please don’t hesitate to share your stories or comments below.

If you found this blog helpful or encouraging, it would be the greatest complement to me if you shared it on your social networks. Thank you for helping build our community!

2 Responses
  • Angela Howard
    May 5, 2015

    Thank you for your dedication to empowering people to find their purpose! Can wait to see where God takes you on this journey.

  • Kelli
    May 5, 2015

    This looks fantastic! Love how things are falling into place for you as you faithfully serve the Lord first and then others. That is a true strength that He has given you. Wonderful to see someone take ownership of that! God loves to work through fearless people!

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