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I want, I feel, I have to have it…NOW! Are emotions ruling your life?


Our oldest son will be a senior in High School next year. Over Spring Break our family took a trip to the North Carolina and Georgia to tour colleges. By the fourth informational talk, which included information on admissions, school history, and how to pay the sticker shock price of tuition, my husband turned to me and said: “We have to stop spending money.” I laughed nervously and said: “I agree.” But what I was really thinking was: “You go first!”

There is a battle going on between my flesh and my spirit.

I know what is right, but I really prefer to do what is bad.

My flesh says, “Don’t worry about the money. You deserve it. You rarely buy anything for yourself. Forget that new rug you bought yesterday, it was for the house. Go ahead, no one will know.” Discipline says, “Be patient, save the money, work hard and you will see the reward for you and your family in due time.”

Have you noticed that our feelings justify every desire we have? Emotion attacks us with a sense of urgency – I want, I feel, I have to have it…NOW! Retail therapy, the dessert we didn’t need, the exercise we skipped to watch a movie, the harsh words we said to our spouse because we thing they deserved it.

Telltale signs of our flesh are: A need for comfort, impatience, pride, compromise, and selfishness. But Galatians 6:8 (NIV) tells us, “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

Is discipline easy? No. If it were, our world would be an incredible place to live. Imagine it for a minute. People staying within their budgets, taking care of their bodies, withholding harsh words from loved ones, helping others instead of only helping themselves.

Discipline is hard. It takes the knowledge to know that you will fall down and the ability to get up again. Doing the right thing when it is hardest is the only way to achieve your goals.

Feeling tell you to skip the pain of discipline. For example: I would rather browse Facebook and Pinterest than write a budget today. But the outcome of that decision would make for serious consequences for the future of our family.

Pause here for a minute and identify the feelings that rule your decision making. Here are a few examples:

I feel like…giving him a piece of my mind. (Anger, neglect)

I want…and deserve that new outfit. (Fear, selfishness, comparison)

I must have…chocolate cake to make me feel better. (Sadness, emptiness)

If we can get past the surface level of living based on how we feel, we will have success. The good news is, the harder the challenge, the more you are growing! Discipline creates character. Character creates more life opportunity and blessing.

God says:

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening–it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way (Hebrews 12:11 NLT).

Thankfully, we are not in this struggle alone. If we were, we would fail. God guarantees us help in our struggles. There is a still small voice inside of you that will ALWAYS give you an option outside your feelings. An option for blessings and abundant life.

Keep listening for the “still small voice” If you are weary on life’s road; The Lord will make your heart rejoice If you will let Him take your load. —Hess

Creating the world we imagined earlier can happen. We can live deeply blessed, abundant and victorious lives.

How do we do this? Remind yourself daily that you have a destiny to fulfill. You must simply choose discipline over emotion.

Paul gave us the tools to do this when he said:

“I face death every day–yes, just as surely as I boast about you in Christ Jesus our Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:31 NIV).

Paul is not talking about physical death. He is talking about the death of his flesh, the death of his selfish desires. Notice, it was not a one-time prayer, it was every day. That bring me comfort.

Each day we can follow in Paul’s footsteps by committing ourselves to prayer:

Lord, I ask you to take my self-willed heart and replace it with your Spirit-lead heart.

Everything you and I do will effect another human being. My world effects yours. When we allow ourselves to be ruled by our emotions, we lead our lives, our marriages, family, businesses, communities into disaster. Allowing the Spirit of God to lead our lives is what brings a blessed, abundant life and victorious life.

I would love to hear your thoughts on, I want, I feel. I have to have it NOW! Are your emotions ruling your life? Please don’t hesitate to share your stories or comments below. If I can encourage you through coaching or prayer, please connect with me.

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What you and your friends can expect when you sign-up for my blog: New subscribers receive the 1st chapter of Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change, as a free thank you gift from me (If you are already a subscriber and would like a copy, PLEASE email me). In addition, you should know, it is not my goal to fill up your inbox with emails. You can expect one blog post, of my best work in your inbox every Monday morning. My goal is to kick off your week with inspiration and tools that will bring meaning and purpose to your life and leadership.

Until next time, have an incredible week!


6 Responses
  • Angela Howard
    April 18, 2016

    Such a good reminder that we can’t live life based on our emotions – even if they aren’t “bad.” Lasting transformation happens when we put ourselves in the place of spiritual disciplines in response to God’s initiation of relationship (not out of duty or some to-do list). It’s then that the grace of God acts and changes us. God pursues, we respond with an act of our will and it circles back around to His amazing and powerful grace!

    • Angela L Craig
      April 19, 2016

      GRACE! Thank you for the reminder and your additional insight. Always a treasure. Have an amazing day!

  • bethany
    April 19, 2016

    Angela, grateful to meet you via #RaRaLinkup today. Ooof. Seriously. What a needed kick in the pants for me. I’m just going to say “amen” and pray the Lord helps me to let these words change some of my ways of late. Thank YOU for sharing!

    • Angela L Craig
      April 19, 2016

      Thank you for stopping by today Bethany. It is wonderful to meet you. I am looking forward to checking out your blog today! I am with you about the need for a kick in the pants! Seriously! Have a great day! Angela

  • Lyli
    April 20, 2016

    Angela, your word here were incredibly convicting! I may need to read this post about once a day as a good swift kick in my fleshly fanny. Thank you 🙂

    • Angela L Craig
      April 20, 2016

      Hi Lyli, Thank you for stopping by today! I was convicted as well! Love what you said – good swift kick in my fleshly fanny. Don’t I need that! Have an amazing day!

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