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Do you struggle with the need for validation?

Today, we are talking about our human need for validation.

The dictionary defines validation as: Recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.

To validate something is to “give official sanction, confirmation, or approval to it”.

Stop and think about the word, sanction for a moment.

I believe, most things we do are motivated by our need for validation.

Maybe that seems like a bold statement.

But, as an online pastor, I have proof.

Why are people on social media? To connect, see pictures of family and friends – Absolutely! But, the underline reason is, validation.

We desire for someone to be a witness to our souls. For someone to accept us and tell us our lives matter.

When you are robbed of validation, you are robbed from the very essence of your soul – human dignity and self- worth.

Have you been rejected or felt the disapproval of others?

Have you been rejected because of your race, religion, gender, social economic status, disability, or sexual orientation?

This lack of validation or recognition can lead a person into a hopeless state.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs asserts that our needs fall into the following order.

  1. Physiological (food, shelter…)
  2. Safety
  3. Love and belonging
  4. Esteem
  5. Self-actualization

But think about it.

Food and shelter is not what we are after.

In fact, we see people give up food and shelter for validation every day.

The question is not “if” a person is seeking validation.  The question is “where is he/she seeking validation from?”

What makes you feel like you have value and worth?

The need for validation is innate. We are designed to want validation and to know our lives have significance.

The problem comes when we look for people to fill our need for validation instead of God.

We seek validation from people, work, friends, merits, children or our spouse.

People become the barometer of our feelings and worth, instead of our Creator, God.

This drive for validation can wear us out and stop us from believing that we have value or significance in the world.

The secret to freedom is knowing you are validated and recognized by the only one who matters – God your heavenly Father.

How does God validate you?

He made you in his image and delights in you. – Genesis 1:27 ; Zephaniah 3:17

He stubbornly loves you even when you are unlovable. – John 3:16

God is for you not against you. – Romans 8:31

His plans for you are good. – Jeremiah 29:11

He has given you unique gifts, talents, and strengths. –  Romans 12:6

God loves you and will never leave you or forsake you. –

Deuteronomy 31: 6

This is validation.

Last scripture,

You really are the apple of His eye. – Psalms 17:8.

There is nothing you can do to change that!

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