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How does your personality makeup impact your approach to this holiday season?

How does your personality makeup impact your approach to this holiday season?

That was the question my friend, Kim Martinez asked me in a recent email.

I spent some time thinking about this question today on a morning hike. My answer: I am an introvert who finds this time of year invigorating. Maybe that sounds like a contradiction?

It has not always been this way. In fact, it wasnā€™t until I began following the rhythms of Advent a few years ago, that I began to feel inspired, joy filled and at peace with the potential chaos of this season. I realized today after thinking about this question, that I feel more freedom in this month and also the months of Lent, leading up to Easter to spend more time in quiet spaces reflecting on what God has done and is doing.

Why is that?

In other months, I feel I push against an ongoing current of expectations, trying to find stillness in a very fast moving world.

Could it be, I feel I have more ā€œpermissionā€ to rest and reflect during seasons of Advent and Lent? That I am not 100% sure of. But I am thinking about it.

Working at the Northwest Ministry Network for 10 years and now leading a church, I recognize there are unspoken rules and expectations for pastors and leaders. The research shows the lack of self-care that leaders in helping fields allow themselves. BUT, I donā€™t have to tell you that.

Let me ask you the same question:

How does your personality makeup impact your approach to this season?

In closing, I want to pray this blessing of prayer over you that Kim gave to me:

I am praying blessings over each of you today. May Godā€™s Spirit fill you so that His presence flows through you. May He empower you to show up at each venue this week with a clear mind, ready insight, a word in season, and seeing what is right in the people around you.

May your world be bright this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!

With love and joy,



2 Responses
  • Sherrie
    December 8, 2018

    “The rhythms of Advent…” I love that! December is really a difficult time for so many, I’m glad that you have found the invigorating space you describe. Merry Christmas, dear one! I think of you often…sending a hug.

    • Angela L Craig
      December 14, 2018

      Merry Christmas Sherrie! Thank you for reading and taking the time to write. It means a lot to me! Hugs right back!

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