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Why do People Follow?

Photo by Jehyun Sung

Have you ever wondered why one post gets more “likes” than another?

Maybe you are posting excellent content but your posts do not get near the traffic as similar posts on other pages.

Maybe you have been told it is algorithms or branding or content that gets followers. Maybe you feel you have tried it all and nothing is working.

It is frustrating. I get it.

It is true, all these external forces (algorithms, branding, content…) play into likes and follows. But ultimately, it is human nature that makes something or someone go viral.

Have you heard of the term, “Social Proof”?

“The Social Proof Theory, popularized by psychologist Robert Cialdini, maintains that a person who does not know what the proper behavior for a certain situation is, will look to other people to imitate what they are doing and to provide guidance for his actions.”1

In other words, we adapt our behavior to what others are doing.

Have you ever stood in line at a popular restaurant? What about a club? How about Disneyland?

If the line is long, it must be worth waiting in…right?

Here is how “social proof” plays out on social media.

A person is looking for a product, entertainment or life answers. Where do they look? This person looks to social experts, celebrities, user reviews, wisdom of “online friends”. Ultimately, human nature leads us to follow the crowd in our decision making and social constructs.

Here is the bottom line: What you post on social media has influence regardless of the likes.

If you are trying to do good in the world, KEEP DOING IT. Make Jesus the center instead of you. Be intentional. Do your research. Tell the truth. Spread love, joy & peace. We need more of this, not less.

Don’t give up because it looks like no one notices. God notices and so do I.

  1. Social Proof definition. Retrieved from:

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