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Why Facebook is Better Than Ever at Building Up the Local Church (Part 3)

As a pastor or church leader, what is your biggest concern for your church?

In my conversation with pastors, the biggest concern is getting people to come to church.

The truth is, over half of Americans will not or cannot attend a traditional brick-n-mortar church. No change in service time, programs, teaching style or staff is going to change their mind.

The following stats from Barna Research show us something about where people are at.

Topping the list of unchurched cities are (Barna 2017):

  1. San Francisco / Oakland / San Jose, CA: 60%
  2. Reno, NV: 59%
  3. Springfield /Holyoke, MA: 57%
  4. Boston /Manchester, MA: 56%
  5. Las Vegas, NV: 55%

*Unchurched: People who have not attended a church service in over 6 months.

Topping the list of dechurched cities include (Barna, 2017):

  1. San Francisco /Oakland / San Jose, CA: 47%
  2. Boston /Manchester, MA: 46%
  3. Seattle /Tacoma, WA: 45%
  4. Portland /Auburn, ME: 45%
  5. Springfield /Holyoke, MA: 43%

*Dechurched: People who have left church; not attending for the last 6 months.

In addition, we find that the average church goer, only attends a church service two times a month.

Some may be disheartened, but I am not.

One of the most surprising and exciting things about having a church online has been the power to bring people together for community and daily discipleship.

In the early church, people came together daily in houses. Today, people are coming together on social networks. The opportunity for you and I to build God’s kingdom online every day is enormous.

Here are my top 3 reasons why church online can help you on your mission:

  1. An online presence keeps you connected with people whose attendance has dropped. One of the reason people quit church is guilt and shame. When you love people online, they will come back.
  2. Social networks are now the front porch to your church. People who are curious can see who you are and if they fit, by visiting your Facebook or Instagram account.
  3. The anonymity of social networks provides a safe place for people to explore faith. If you have noticed, bearing one’s soul on Facebook has become a norm. Your church can provide a healthy and safe environment for people to be vulnerable with their struggles. Vulnerability leads to trust and trust leads to relationship.

Okay, because I can’t help myself…here is one more reason.

4. An online presence allows your church members to share the church they love without feeling pushy. Think of it as a modern day tract!

God has a plan for His church and you are a big part of it! KEEP GOING! I am here cheering for you!

If this captures your attention and you need more than a blog to get you going in digital ministry, email me for a deeper conversation

2 Responses
  • MaryAnn Dalessi
    June 10, 2019

    Oh Angela, you are so spot on! Where do you get this stuff? NO ONE from the pulpits I’ve witnessed thinks this way. Girl, you are on the cutting edge. When did you say your next book is due out? My money is burning a hole in my wallet.
    Always crazy about you!
    MaryAnn Dalessi

    • Angela L Craig
      June 28, 2019

      THANK YOU MaryAnn! Your support and encouragement inspires me to keep moving forward…on to that book!!!

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