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Digital Missionary – Job Description

Everyone wants to go digital. The first step is truly understanding what that means.

Having a digital church is more than posts, videos, and advertisements.  It is a place to reach new frontiers with the message of Jesus.

To do this, you will need a team.

At Pursuit Church Live (PCL), our front-line team is our e-Team made up of digital missionaries. Think of this the same as your assimilations or first impressions team at your in-person church.

Whether you call your online team an e-Team, Impact Team, or Online Team, you will need a clear definition of the role and a job description. In our context at (PCL) a digital missionary is a person who is sent into digital spaces to sharing the hope of Jesus and invite people into Christian community. Just like a missionary on the ground. the key ingredient to success is building trusting relationships.

The beautiful thing about this role is that anyone can do it. It doesn’t matter if you have been a Christian for 5 days or 50 years. There are no boundaries of age, gender, disability, social/economical status, schedule, or education.

In fact, most of our e-Team at Pursuit Church Live are people who love Jesus but have not been able to serve inside church walls because of the above boundaries I mentioned. Every person in your church has a great purpose in God’s kingdom-building story. My challenge to you, is to throw out your list of pre-requisites and start asking everyone you see in-church and online this question: “Why not you?”.

When we began PCL 4 years ago, I created the job description you see below. As we have grown to a community of over 15,000 people we have expanded our team and added new roles, but the principles of welcoming and inviting are the same.

Let me know if this helps or if you need more information. You are welcome to join my digital ministry training community on Facebook @onlineJesus or visit my website for more help. We are in this together!



2020 PCL eTeam Job Description










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