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Which is right – Church in person or church online? (Part 2)

Last week I wrote: “Which is right – Church in person or church online?” In today’s blog, I want to share the perspective of one of our readers who has done extensive humanitarian work with people who could not meet in person.


Though I prefer assembling together in person, my first thought when someone questions the “rightness” of not meeting in person is towards the MBB (Muslim Background Believer). If it is an absolute that we must meet in person, then we have condemned the believer who physically is unable to. Perhaps there are no other believers around or they know of none yet. Perhaps they are being watched too closely to safely get away for a meeting. Perhaps they are physically restrained in some manner. While in Saudi Arabia, I had no access to a Christian group to meet with. Should I be condemned for that? Absolutely not, and neither should those who do not meet together in person.

The Scriptures you gave in your email and your expounding on them support this conclusion. I am merely adding to your message examples that also support your conclusion. Cristi Erickson

What are your thoughts? I would love to hear from you.

3 Responses
    May 27, 2021

    Excellent Points

  • Suzanne Glennon
    May 28, 2021

    This is an excellent example of how limited our vision is as humans. We have no idea what is going on in a person’s life, heart, family, community, etc. We have no idea of the barriers a person might face to attending church in person. 1 Samuel 16:7 reminds us that we look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. We should celebrate and rejoice and thank God for providing Pursuit Church Live and all of the other opportunities we have been given to worship, learn and fellowship online. I have attended my own church, bible study and life groups online for the past 15 months, and by the grace of God, I feel a great connection, love and nurturing from my church family. My Christian walk has never been stronger. I have even met new people and created new deep friendships. Yes, there are many great reasons to meet in person, and I will again soon, I hope, but I will forever be grateful for the ability to be a part of an online church.

    • Angela L Craig
      September 27, 2021

      Hi Suzanne,
      I truly appreciate you sharing your experience. It means a lot, my friend! God bless you!

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