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The Art of Being a Woman: I don’t live in a model home but you are still invited over. {Week Five}

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In the past, I spent exorbitant amounts of time cleaning and decorating my home. My first boyfriend even told me I was the one who taught him how to make lines in the carpet with the vacuum cleaner. Now, there is a lasting impression every girl wants to make on her first boyfriend!

The Art of Being a Woman…redefining beauty & purpose {Week One}

A fire and a passion burns deep in her soul. She knows there is something more. She sets out to re-define the modern woman by evoking authenticity, creativity, originality, and service. She is interesting and interested. Her inner beauty can spark even that of a stranger’s curiosity. She does not fear vulnerability –

The Cure for my Disillusion

John Maxwell Quote

When God called me to ministry leadership, I knew I had truly found purpose in life. The opportunity to have a vocation where people gather together for life transformation that becomes world changing. For me, it is better than Disneyland.

Ministry was never a place I thought I would encounter discrimination.

Designing your Avatar – Knowing who you serve?

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Last week I watched and listened while Michael Hyatt interviewed twenty-two top presenters at the first Influence and Impact Summit. Speakers such as, John Maxwell, Lysa Terkeurst, Donald Miller, Dave Ramsey, and Jen Hatmaker spoke about their strategies for leading and building a platform while sharing vulnerably about their fears,