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Do you wear the shoes of peace or do you wear combat boots?

Photo from the BIG BLACK BOOTS website at www.boot.comSometimes, I find myself igniting conversation only for the personal sake of proving my point. Righteous or justice driven it doesn’t matter, I want my point to be made and my voice to be heard. I believe my words will be more powerful than my silence. But somehow,

It turns out you can be Superman after all!

SupermanI am a fan. A Man of Steel fan that is. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it in 3D. My favorite character is Jor-El (played by actor, Russell Crowe) the birth father of Superman. It was his justice seeking, sacrificial, and profoundly inspiring ways that brought Jor-El’s character alive for me.

Tired of reading between the lines…simply answer, yes or no!

reding between the linesHow often in relationships do you find yourself trying to read in-between the lines?

One of the most valuable gifts I ever received was when a friend noticed my need to read in-between the lines and she said, “Angela, I don’t know what relationships you have with other people,

It’s Friday Night…Are you dating your spouse?

date-nightThis may be the shortest blog I ever write so let me get right to the point.

Are you dating your spouse? If you aren’t, someone else will.

Maybe that someone is not another person, but a job, or a hobby.

I have recently been personally convicted on this question.

Erasing the Face of Jesus

Jesus San Miniato Al MonteJesus San MarcoDuring my recent visit to Italy, I had the privilege to visit some 33 churches, museums, monasteries, and castles. An amazing world of beauty, creativity, and passion surrounded me but one thing surprised me. I felt an eerie absent of God’s presence in each church we visited.

Machiavelli’s Principles of Leadership

In the classic book, The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli stated that “Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.” Speaking primarily to the prince and principalities of his time, Machiavelli said that a prince should present the appearance of being a compassionate,

The Power of Women – A Blog Series…The ugly painting

ImageThe ugly painting – Why don’t women believe in themselves?
Over Mother’s Day weekend, my Mom and I attended a Mother’s Day Tea at our church. Although there was the expected treats and beverages of a lavish Mother’s Day Tea, there was not an inspirational speaker or Mother’s Day drama.

The Power of Women ~ A Blog Series…Do women postpone their calling?

The Postponement Theory

The Power of YESThe conversation began when the professor in my first master’s class asked me if I was postponing my calling to get more education. My instructor said that she has noted many women of our time who postpone their calling because they felt they needed more education to do what God had called them to do. 

The Power of Women – A Blog Series…Today we are talking about emPOWERment!

Invest with PowerBy definition, the word empower means: to invest with power. To equip or supply with an ability; enable (Dictionary, 2013).

By this definition, you would think that “empowerment” is something that happened to you through the teaching, mentorship, or advocacy of another person. But look at how the women below describe their experiences with empowerment.

The Power of Women – A Blog Series

The Power of Women – Marked with a Purpose

Every day, I have the privilege to work with women who feel a calling on their lives. There is a fire and a passion that burns deep within them. Its voice cries, “There is something more.